tenpastmidnight blog
Making hay while the sun shines
» Friday, February 13, 2004 «
Sterling / Dollar exchange rate
The One Pound Sterling is currently worth 1.89 US Dollars. This represents an eleven year low for the Dollar. I remember when the Pound first dropped below 2 Dollars, which feels a long time ago now.
Normally, this wouldn't really bother me, but I've been helping an American company with some consultancy work recently and I'd really rather the Dollar didn't drop any lower or I'm going to end up taking a pay cut! This is rather a selfish view to take, but as all the rumours I read are that America is letting it's currency drop on world markets to effectively reduce it's national debt, I feel I can be a little selfish about it.
Normally, this wouldn't really bother me, but I've been helping an American company with some consultancy work recently and I'd really rather the Dollar didn't drop any lower or I'm going to end up taking a pay cut! This is rather a selfish view to take, but as all the rumours I read are that America is letting it's currency drop on world markets to effectively reduce it's national debt, I feel I can be a little selfish about it.