tenpastmidnight blog

Making hay while the sun shines

Work-o-mania parts and getting there

So this month I'm doing / have done:

  • CSS templates for a publishing company

  • Various search engine optimisation/marketing for three clients, one involving converting HTML and Javascript over to slimmer HTML/CSS and Javascript

  • ColdFusion and HTML work for an access hire company

  • ColdFusion / CSS/HTML work for a local search project, with a splash of PHP as well

  • Perl CGI work for a design company

  • ColdFusion work for a recruitment company

I was posting about work on the Freelancers Forum mailing list earlier this month and realised how much of my work was coming from referrals. Nigel and Alex have referred work to me this month, and some of the rest of the work has come from people in The Farm, the network of freelancers I'm in.

So, a big, public "Thanks" to Alex and Nigel, who are both buried in their own work at the moment, and I hope to return the favour in the future.

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