tenpastmidnight blog
Making hay while the sun shines
» Thursday, September 08, 2005 «
HP Laserjet 5 and Jetdirect 2552 IP address setting
Just been re-arranging my network to join Richard (my landlord) inside his network so we can do funky video things. We finally found out how to get my Laserjet 5 configured to use a static IP address by using the instructions on this HP page...
HP Jetdirect Print Servers -How to Determine, Reset, and Configure an IP Address on an HP Jetdirect Print Server
Wish I'd known we could use Telnet to set it last time I tried to set it up with Alex, as it greatly simplified the job rather than using the router hack that we set up. Hopefully putting this post up means I'll be able to find the instructions again.
HP Jetdirect Print Servers -How to Determine, Reset, and Configure an IP Address on an HP Jetdirect Print Server
Wish I'd known we could use Telnet to set it last time I tried to set it up with Alex, as it greatly simplified the job rather than using the router hack that we set up. Hopefully putting this post up means I'll be able to find the instructions again.